
typeline[ 09.2015 | London ]

the skyline of UK’s capital is con­stantly changing. the one of the City of London – which you can perfect­ly see when you go for a walk along the Thames – has also devel­oped within the past years. one im­pres­sive mod­ern build­ing, the Walkie Talkie, was finished in 2014 and provides office and retail space. it was built in 3 years only and cost £200mil. busi­ness seem to go really well – not only at the river­side…

also not only at riversides you can watch white, fluffy cumulus clouds. they are named after the Latin word ‘cumulo’, meaning ‘piles’. the often accumu­lated clouds usually appear during good weather and can produce rain. innocent as they appear to be: on hot days they can form thunderheads…

speaking of Walkie Talkie and thunderheads: as we know, communication is crucial. especially on today’s ‘World Tele­communi­cation and Infor­mation Society Day’, but tomorrow also.

sources: london-skyline.com | itu.int | study.com