
icarus [ 02.2015 | Los Angeles]

I soon experienced a strong feeling of needing some ‘me-time’ when I was in LA in 2015. needing to escape to somewhere above the hustle and bustle of this immense metropolis. somewhere natural and genuine, not man-made or caused or controlled by people. as a result, I discovered the Hollywood Hills – and was surprised to actually find a comparatively natural reality there. standing close to the famous sign and watching the pulsating city through the blurry dust/dirt, wondering about the contrasts provided within only a few hundred meters, reminded me that America is called the ‘land of the free’ or ‘the land of dreams’.

full of his dreams lived the great inventor Daedalus in Greek mythology, as he wished to be free – free as a bird. he wanted to escape the tower within a labyrinth, where he and his son Icarus were kept. so Daedalus created two sets of wings made from feathers, leather strings and wax. the father warned his son not to fly too low to avoid sea water; nor fly too high and come close to the sun. but Icarus did not listen to his father’s warnings and soon the sun’s heat melted the wax, which was used as adhesive to glue the feathers of the wings together. and so he fell. his high spirits were his downfall. and Daedalus relived his nightmares…

even though it might fit thematically, of course I would never mention that today is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science – by resolution of the United Nations General Assembly in 2015.

greekmythology.com | un.org