
communicaship[ 09.2009 | Heidelberg ]

the ‘World Day for Cul­tural Diver­sity for Dia­logue and Develop­ment’ is an interna­tional annu­al holiday for the promo­tion of diver­sity issues. ‘Diver­sity Day’ was created by UN’s General Assembly in conse­quence of the terror­ist attacks on Sep­tember 11th as a chance to help under­stand the value of cultural diver­sity and learn how to live together harmoniously.

living together in harmony is one thing which zebras are known for. the social wild African animals are related to horses and characterized by their typical black and white striped coats. their stripes have different patterns that are distinctive to each individual. in contrast to horses and donkeys the equids have never really been domesticated.

also wild mammals with a black and white coat are pandas. the large bears live in for­ests in south central China. besides their distinctive black patches around their eyes and ears they are known for their almost exclusive bamboo diet.

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