
shoelala[ 09.2014 | Berlin ]

do you know any other capital which has an air­port right in the middle of the city?! Berlin has. or better: had. Tempel­hof air­port was built in the 1940s as a semi-cir­cular, sym­metric and 1,230m long complex. with its total sur­face of 285,000 square meters, the listed buil­ding still is one of the world’s biggest; divided into 49 buil­dings, 7 hang­ars and 9,000 offices. It was closed in 2008 and has hosted numer­ous fairs, festi­vals and events since. the field is used as a public park in which you can go in-line skat­ing or fly a kite. a major part of the field is an impor­tant habi­tat for several red-listed birds, plants and insects. this is not only due to the urban garden­ing section where I took this picture. resi­dents and others grow lettuce on raised beds. and in old shoes.

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