
bikurious[ 06.2014 | Florence ]

Florence has amazing corners to be experienced. it is the capital of the Italian region of Tus­cany, having approxi­mately 382,000 inhab­itants (more than 1.5mil in the metro­poli­tan area). Flo­rence is famous for its his­tory: a centre of medi­eval Euro­pean trade and finance and one of the weal­thiest cities of the time. The his­toric centre of Flo­rence attracts mil­lions of tour­ists each year and is declared a ‘World Heri­tage Site’.

also attracted by mil­lions is the two-wheeled human-powered vehicle that was intro­duced in the 19th century in Europe. in addi­tion to coming from A to B, bicycles guaran­tee an improve­ment of general fit­ness and recre-ation. the pedal-driven cycles are the prin­cipal means of trans­porta­tion in many regions. as of 2003, there are more than twice as many bikes (>100 mil­lion p.a.) produced than cars. sta­tistics show that after China, the US and Japan, Germany is the country with the fourth biggest number of bikes. in Germany, we use the term ‘Draht­esel’ (= ‘wire donkey’) for an old and shaky bike. ride safely! – not only on the ‘Inter­national Day of Sport for Develop­ment and Peace’.

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