
re.appearizer[ 02.2015 | Grand Canyon ]

March 20th is not only World Story­tell­ing Day but also the Inter­natio­nal Day of Happi­ness. The world­wide cele­brated ‘Happi­ness Day’ was foun­ded in 2012 by the Uni­ted Nations Gene­ral Assem­bly when all 193 mem­ber states adop­ted UN reso­lution 66/281. article 2 pro­motes the pur­suit of happi­ness as a funda­mental human goal and inv­ites to join the ‘happi­ness move­ment’.

in north-wes­tern Ari­zona lies Grand Can­yon National Park. the Grand Can­yon is a gorge of the Colo­rado River; the canyon is 446km long, up to 29km wide, and 1.6km deep. its size, shapes, and colors are truly impres­sive. it is lis­ted a UNESCO World Heri­tage and often con­sidered one of the Seven Natu­ral Won­ders of the World.

the Che­shire Cat is a charac­ter in Lewis Carroll’s ‘Alice’s Adven­tures in Wonder­land’ (1865). it has often turned up in the pub­lish­ing world since. Carroll intro­duced the fic­tional feline as being able to (re)­appear, lea­ving its charac­teris­tic mis­chievous grin behind. the grin­ning cat is the only charac­ter in the book that actually lis­tens to Alice, tell­ing her the rules of Wonder­land.

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