st paddy

clover lover[ 01.2016 | Heidelberg ]

yesterday was Saint Pat­rick’s Day, an Irish cul­tural cele­bration & reli­gious holi­day. March 17th marks the death of the fore­most pat­ron saint of Ire­land, Saint Pat­rick (c. AD 385–460).
a sham­rock is a young sprig of clover which is used as a sym­bol of Ire­land. Saint Pat­rick is said to have used it as a meta­phor for the Chris­tian Holy Tri­nity. [ comment by author: the 4th petal I drew is for the lepre­chaun’s extra-luck ]

cele­brating (a tea party) is the March Hare. he is an unpre­dic­table character in Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adven­tures in Wonder­land, pub­lished in 1865. he is most famous for being in a mad rush and appea­ring in the tea party scene. ‘mad as a March hare’ was already a common British phrase in Carroll’s time.

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