
easter [ 03.2016 | Heidelberg ]

the German noun ‘Geist’ can be trans­lated as ghost, mind, or spirit. the ins­crip­tion on the main buil­ding of Heidel­berg Uni­versity is ‘dem leben­digen Geist’ (= ‘to the living spirit’). the public higher edu­cation insti­tution, also known as ‘Ruperto Carola’, was estab­lished in 1386 and is Germany’s oldest uni­versity. also, it is one of the most excellent research uni­versities in Europe.

easter is a reli­gious and cultural holi­day and the most impor­tant for Chris­tians. as described in the New Testa­ment, easter cele­brates the resur­rection of Jesus Christ from the dead on the third day of his burial after his cruci­fixion by the Romans c. 30 AD.
the ‘Holy Ghost’ or ‘Holy Spirit’ is the third entity of the Trinity: the Triune God is manifested as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. in the bible, all four Gospels (Luke 3:22) tell that the Holy Spirit came down on Jesus at his baptism in a bodily shape, like a dove. the dove thereby is seen as a symbol of purity and harm­less­ness (Matthew 10:16).
purity and harm­less­ness is my god­daugh­ter. and great stories and deep belief is what I hope to give her on her way. this is why I dedicate this one to you.
happy easter.

sources: uni-heidelberg.de | history.com | compellingtruth.org