post-vernissage I

openinganother great story. another perfect experience. and a start – much better than expected. [ THANK YOU – every­body! ] I was asked for the open­ing speech of my vernis­sage in the gold smith in Heidel­berg’s Old Town. by a non-German friend. so I trans­lated it for every­body interested…

dear friends, I am very happy about you being here today.
and would like to thank those, who made this possible. without you, my family and friends, we wouldn’t be stand­ing here today.
today, for another first step – of which there are many in my life current­ly. today we are here – in this his­toric buil­ding – to live stories. [ marginalia: in German lan­guage, the word for ‘history’ and ‘story’ is the same = ‘Geschichte’. ]

especially last year, I experienced how impor­tant and instruc­tive stories – and a glimpse behind the obvious façade – actually are. and that we do exactly this hardly ever: take the time to look under the sur­face and risk adventures.

openingtoday, we invite you to an adventure. to a journey. (– pretty risk-less.) where to? – well, that differs individually.

we show you the combi­nation of vari­ous mate­rials in Rolf’s work, several tech­niques in mine. we conquer the mean­ing of color toge­ther, fasci­nated by the power of struc­ture and shapes. in natural chaos. in order.

have fun with our in- & expressions. and be crazy enough to share yours with us. thank you.
