
lakeshow[12.2013 | Lake Tahoe ]

on our trip through north­ern Califor­nia we dis­cov­ered Lake Tahoe on the state border to Nevada – known for the clarity of its water & the pano­rama of sur­round­ing mountains. the large fresh­water lake, formed about 2million years ago, is located in the Sierra Nevada at 1,897m ele­vation and is the largest alpine lake in North America. with a depth of up to 501m it is the 2nd deepest lake in the US and the sixth largest lake by volume. the tourist attrac­tion (approx. 3million visitors each year) is home to a number of ski resorts and summer outdoor recrea­tion.

the importance of (outdoor) recreation is something Yoda surely knows about. Yoda is a fictional character in the Star Wars space fran­chise created by George Lucas. the wise and powerful Grand Master of the Jedi Order first appears in ‘The Empire Strikes Back’ (1980). the legendary charac­ter, who has trained Jedis for over 800 years, instructs Luke Skywalker to fight against the Galactic Empire and tells him about the path of immor­tality. Yoda is one of the oldest and most power­ful known Jedi Masters in the Star Wars universe, with his life history remain­ing unknown.
and yes, this post can only be published today: // MAY the FOURTH be with you //

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