
familiarization[ 06.2012 | Faro ]

to honor fam­ily mem­bers, espe­cial­ly par­ents, there are inter­na­tional cele­bra­tions that are held annual­ly. one of the best known is Mother’s Day on which peo­ple honor their mothers & mother­hood in gen­eral as well as the influence of mothers in society. the US-tradition start­ed in 1908, when social activ­ist Anna Jarvis held a memo­rial for her mother in a Metho­dist church in Virginia. Mother’s Day is now celebrated in many coun­tries all over the world, mostly on the 2nd Sunday of May. to comple­ment Mother’s Day Father’s Day celebrates fathers and male parent­ing. it was also inaugu­rated in the US in the early 20th century. the majority of countries celebrate Father’s Day on the third Sunday of June. in Germany, it is traditionally held on ‘Christi Himmel­fahrt’, the religious feast of the bodily ascension of Jesus into heaven.

close to heaven I felt in 2012, while exploring Portugal. we stayed in Faro, the regional capital, and Olhão – both municipalities in the Algarve region of southern Portugal. luckily, we experienced one spectacular sunset at the marina. three things to know about Olhão? a) the buildings influenced by African architecture are stunning, b) the people are very kind and the police – who managed to get my camera back from a noto­rious pickpocket – charming and very competent, and c) it is the largest fishing port in the Algarve. always being attracted by water, we took a walk along the marina where pleasure boats mix with commercial fishing craft. and parents tell their kids stories about life…
dear mom and dad…

sources: mothersdayshrine.com | encyclopedia.com | olhaouncovered.com