park &ride

park &ride[ 09.2015 | Southend on Sea ]

last Septem­ber, I had some time left to get to Lon­don airport. so, as usual, I decided to go some­where near the water. as on an island there is a lot of water around, I just picked a place with a nice­sounding name: South­end on Sea. the sea­side resort town in Essex, north­east of London, is home to the longest lei­sure pier in the world. the picture shows adven­ture island, one of the many attrac­tions by the sea.
the attrac­tion that I acci­den­tally chose was the worst Falafel of my life. my stomach didn’t feel like a roller­coaster – it was rather a constant below zero not seeming to get­ting up and better again. ever.

but why do we decide to take excit­ing and dangerous situ­ations?! even if it’s only an amuse­ment park ride. the answer is simple: it can boost levels of key hormones that cause eupho­ria. those hormones are also respon­sible for making people fall in love. on the other hand, a ride on a roller coaster is reported to pos­sibly cause brain injuries. #Tough­Decisions

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