exhibition 07.2016

exhibitionas a wave of posi­tive feed­back and a sur­pri­singly high number of sold art works were the result of the exhi­bition in the gold­smith in Hei­del­berg’s Old Town, the next is yet to come.

from the mid­dle of July you will find some of HZD’s works on the walls of Café Vienna in Mann­heim. since thirty years, the alter­native café/­restau­rant in the squares (S1 15) is a lively meet­ing place of the urban sub­culture. a place with a grow­ing fan­dom, com­prising all gener­ations & natio­nalities. MULTI! due to the unique crew, the crea­tive inte­rior, the diverse guests, and may­be also some visual artists, Café Vienna has become cult. crea­tive inte­rior – so crea­tive that some­body acci­dental­ly took the wrong rest­room [ no, 102% stickers on doors are great! ]. and no­body cared. but some­body would care if you came over on July 17th for a coffee or Club Mate.

also, you can meet me on July 16th on the city festival in Sins­heim where some of HZD’s art works will be pre­sented. and maybe I’ll even chal­lenge you in the charity rubber duck race… #BePrepared