
lighthousing[ 02.2015 | Old Point Loma ]

Point Loma is used to de­scribe a) a sea­side com­mu­nity with­in the city of San Diego which is b) a hilly pen­in­sula that shapes San Diego Bay. as being a land­ing place, Point Loma has been de­scribed as ‘where Cali­fornia began’. 129m above sea level stands a small light­house which is the best known land­mark at Point Loma. it was first lit in 1855 and re­placed in 1891 already, as fog too often ob­scured its beam. today, the old Point Loma light­house is par­tial­ly open to the pub­lic and offers in­sights into the life of the 1880s.

not only at Point Loma, but all along the Pacific Coast I have dis­covered surfers. they mostly appear in groups, always look­ing for the great­est break to catch. per­form­ing this sur­face water sport, the surfer rides on a mov­ing wave that usu­ally carries him towards the shore. ‘surfing’ refers to the act of rid­ing a wave with a board – in what­ever stance. be it a few seconds or more.

staying on their track, fight­ing all adver­sities whilst trying not to stumble is some­thing every refugee can relate to. June 20th is dedi­cated to raise aware­ness of the situ­ation of refugees through­out the world – to com­mem­orate their strength, courage, and resil­ience of those who have to leave every­thing behind to escape violence & death. leaving every­thing behind – except their hopes & dreams. #WithRefugees

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