little more

little more[ 09.2015 | London ]

as often as pos­sible I dis­cover cities on foot. not being im­pris­oned in the bub­ble of your car with no chance to stop and linger and enjoy what­ever cap­tures my ima­gina­tion. and not tak­ing the tube and get­ting the idea the city is only several separate islands that your brain is not really able to actu­ally combine.

one such island I hap­pened to dis­cover is ‘More London’ which is an area on the south bank of the Thames, close to the Tower Bridge. it in­cludes the City Hall, and many modern office blocks, shops, restau­rants and a nicely designed pedes­trian­ized area with sculp­tures and water fea­tures. the build­ings were put up by Foster and Partners, the archi­tects who also designed the German Reichstag.

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