le chat

le chat [ 01.2014 | Paris ]

for new year’s eve 2014, a friend and I drove to Paris, France. it was an experience – as we almost got separated in an overly crowded street and were practically completely disoriented, had no drop of champagne left and all bars were more than packed, it was freezing cold, plus: no fireworks were allowed in the city center.

as we were quite sober, there was no hang-over to cure on the day after, so we walked along the Seine towards the Ile de la Cité. I was fascinated by the architecture of the old buildings along the Quai des Grands Augustins as I was detecting the scribble of a cat on a tree trunk grinning at me. I guess it was in that very moment when I decided that 2014 was to become a cat-cool year.

‘Le Chat’ (1971) is a drama film directed by Pierre Granier-Deferre. but this, for now, is not of interest. we focus on the crime thriller ‘Le Samourai’ (1967), co-written and directed by Jean-Pierre Melville. one of France’s big movie stars plays a professional hitman who gets into trouble. in his role, Alain Delon states: “there is no greater solitude than that of the samurai. unless it is that of the tiger in the jungle… perhaps…”. and back we are in the city of love, amongst warriors and cats in the jungle. or on trees.
