
urbanimal [ 07.2015 | Heidelberg ]

for quite some time, I studied, worked, lived, and loved in Heidelberg. I took this picture when a friend of mine, who visited me from Los Angeles, took me (!) on a tour through my city. we climbed the stairs to the ruins of the old castle. and this scenic view was the compensation for our effort. standing there, having just the right distance, we watched the scene from a bird’s view. I literally felt the meta-perspective: for whichever reason, at some point you sometimes naturally begin to be like the other faces in the jungle down there. adopting behavior. learning to survive. urbanimal.

introduced in 1898, Heidelberg’s coat of arms contains the golden lion of Kurpfalz (Electoral Palatinate) with its red crown and tongue. with the strong king of animals being the heraldic animal of the counts palatine, Heidelberg had been the residential town of Kurpfalz for a long time. the history of ‘Homo Heidelbergensis’ goes back even further: he lived between 700,000-200,000 years ago. Smithsonian Institute describes him as “the first early human species to routinely hunt large animals” and to build shelters. the first discovery of the extinct species that lived in Europe, parts of Africa and possibly Asia, was made in 1908 near Heidelberg by a workman.
live and let die. humanoid. destruction and genesis. homo genesis.

city-tourist.de | rhein-neckar-wiki.de | humanorigins.si.edu