Grenzhof & City Hall

exhibition last weekend were exhi­bit­ed in the old barn of the hotel restau­rant Grenz­hof near Heidel­berg. the land­marked build­ing was tran­sformed into a show­room for local art­ists. the flair in the brick-lined sand­stone struc­ture of the his­tor­ic venue was truly unique; and thus, hav­ing had the chance to ex­hib­it along­side some in­cred­ibly talent­ed peo­ple was an even great­er honor.

staying in South-Baden but switch­ing venues, I was lucky to sell the first item of a not-even opened ex­hi­bi­tion just yester­day. if you have time and are inter­ested in art, visit the city hall Sinsheim.

I am most grate­ful for hav­ing reached my aim: mak­ing people smile whilst explor­ing and, admit­tedly, ā€“ apart from the good feel­ing the pic­tures do please ever­ywhere they are shown ā€“ hear­ing people even recog­nize my logo makes me crazy proud. thank you.

this November appears to be anything else but grey.