green day

green day [ 03.2015 | Los Angeles ]

another equally exhaust­ing and fun trip was dis­cover­ing Los Angeles last year – most­ly by foot. and as I am some­times cu­ri­ous &stupid enough to dive into the crazy crowds of busy mar­kets, I stepped into the Grand Cen­tral Mar­ket. honest­ly, the name is justi­fied.
.GRAND. we’re speak­ing of the city’s larg­est and old­est pub­lic mar­ket. the struc­ture was designed in 1896 and ex­pand­ed in 1905. today, there are over fifty indi­vi­dual vend­ing stalls on almost 2,800m² that are pri­vate­ly owned and oper­ated. CENTRAL. in 1917, the Grand Cen­tral Mar­ket replaced the first ten­ant of the ground floor in the orig­inal six-story Homer Laughlin Build­ing on Broad­way/­W 3rd street and thus in the very heart (finan­cial dis­trict/­down­town area) of the vibrant me­trop­olis. MARKET. espe­cial­ly food and bev­er­ages. be it the most exotic scent you’ve ever smelled or the main course still floun­der­ing behind the desk. you’ll find it. even though you weren’t look­ing for it.

also of Cali­for­nian ori­gin is Green Day, an Amer­ican punk rock band that formed in 1986 around the teeny-friends vocal­ist/­guitar­ist Billie Joe Arm­strong and bass­ist Mike Dirnt. in 2005, they achieved high finan­cial suc­cess with Amer­ican Idiot – an album that became pro­test art after the re­elec­tion of presi­dent George W. Bush. four years later, Amer­ican Idiot became a one-act stage musi­cal that was also played on the Broad­way. a career the Sweet Chil­dren (1st band name) are surely thank­ful for.

Thanksgiving is an impor­tant public holiday in the United States that pro­vides an op­por­tuni­ty for re­unions of the be­loved and also gives a chance to ex­press grati­tude for every­thing enjoy­able. it is annu­ally held on the 4th Thurs­day in Novem­ber. orig­i­nal­ly cele­brated by the Pil­grims after their first har­vest in the New World in 1621, it has been com­memo­rated natio­nally since 1789 after a procla­mation by another George who was presi­dent – Washington not Bush.

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