
infinite(simal) [ 04.2016 | Goitzschesee ]

on one of my trips through the coun­try (S/W to N/E- Ger­many) I decided to stop where the sun had found its way through the clouds. even bet­ter, as there was a lake near­by that imme­di­ately attracted my atten­tion. maybe due to the fact that I was born under the sign of fire I always feel drawn to­wards water…

the Big Goitzsche Lake is the larg­est in an area of many lakes in Sachsen-Anhalt result­ing from the for­mer brown coal indus­try. in 1998 the defunct sur­face min­ing area was flooded and today is used for conser­vation and recre­ation. not too sur­pris­ing that apart from sev­eral breeds of birds, dif­fer­ent pieces of works of art can be found along the water­side.

at the water­side, right on the plain sand, two people were sit­ting, obvi­ously famil­iar to each other. to me the most impor­tant infor­mation to be received from this situation was per­fect har­mony, com­plete mutual trust, and true love. – this bloom­ing love that is infi­nite, with­out limits in space or time. and the chance to be able to live this love is infi­nites­imal.

since 1988, Decem­ber 1st is observed to heighten public aware­ness of the global AIDS (Acquired Immune Defi­ciency Syn­drome) pande­mic caused by the spread of HIV (Human Immuno­defi­ciency Virus) infec­tion. as there is no known cure for the conta­gious dis­ease yet, World Aids Day is commit­ted to preven­tion care and health promo­tion: espe­cially by giv­ing informa­tion about the risks of unpro­tected sex, contam­inated blood trans­fusions, or hypo­dermic need­les. the red rib­bon is its symbol of spirit, sup­port and soli­darity with approx. 34­million people who do cur­rently live with the virus and to com­memo­rate those who have died of the HIV virus or AIDS dis­ease since its iden­tifica­tion in 1984 (> 35million).

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