good luck

good luck[ 12.2013 | Handschuhsheim ]

Lucky Luke is a humorous comic series that is set in the American Far West in the late 19th century. it circles around the cowboy who is known for shooting faster than his shadow, Lucky Luke. the fictional character – who meets historical personalities – aims to restore justice by chasing bandits, especially the infamous Dalton Brothers. the parodying comic was created by Belgian cartoonist Morris in 1946. numerous authors scripted the series, starting with French writer René Goscinny.

the city of Heidelberg is located on the river Neckar in south-west Germany. it is one of the biggest cities in the state of Baden-Württemberg and part of the heavily populated Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region. the castle, old bridge and baroque style old town, are the heart of the romantic and scenic townscape and make Heidelberg one of the most beautiful cities in Germany. the picture was taken in one of the suburbs, Handschuhsheim. on our walk, we counted gloves (= Handschuhe) on pennants. and then this spelling mistake brutally distracted us…
even though it wasn’t ‘World Youth Skills Day’ as it is today. July 15th is celebrated to raise awareness of the importance of acquiring skills for all youth. skills to better address the challenges of life, to achieve improved socio-economic conditions (e.g. on the job market).

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