Café Vienna / Mannheim

Café Viennasince last weekend, the walls of Café Vienna in Mannheim are decorated with

this time, the pictures are all printed on aluminium com­posite panels which give the art works a very special touch – Mann­heim’­s multi­plicity meets shabby chic. we used every mount­ing we found in the suspen­sion system, any needle in the wall. and now they are shim­mer­ing metal­lical­ly in “Monnem”‘­s sun: a dozen art works (30×30­cm and 50×50­cm) contrib­ute to the relaxed atmos­phere of the cult café/­restaurant. and – more impor­tantly – the alu­minium per­fectly fit to the stain­less steel pipes, too.

Café Viennathanks to the lovely crew and cosy inte­rior and also due to the great loca­tion in Mann­heim’s squares (S1, 15), the alter­native café is a popular meeting place – not only for rookie-rockers and (window-)­shoppers… get a coffee. ask for the (hi)story. or get a whiskey. and listen. and like it. the first door is the lady’s restroom.