brain barrier

brain barrier[ 01.2015 | Los Angeles ]

today, on the ‘World Book and Copy­right Day’, I’ll give you a glimpse into one of my favorite disco­veries in LA: ‘The Last Book­store’. this amazing place is a book­store that sells second hand and new releases as well as vinyl records. in addition, they host book-signings and book and poetry read­ings. dis­cover­ing even only the tini­est part of this beauti­ful world of words that is located on two floors of an old buil­ding in downtown Los Angeles took me some time. or better: I completely forgot about time, dove into the sea of writing and got lost in words.

usually not too lost for words is Dr. Henry Walton ‘Indiana’ Jones, Jr., who is the main figure of the ‘Indi­ana Jones’ fran­chise. American film­maker George Lucas created the adven­turous character, nicknamed ‘Indy’, in tribute to action heroes in the 1930s. the first appear­ance of the fic­tional archae­ologist who travels the world to solve his­toric questions was in 1981. the popular character is also featured in novels and comics, video games, theme park attrac­tions and other media. Jones is portrayed by Harrison Ford.

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