
learnability[ 02.2015 | Los Angeles ]

‘The Grove’ is a modern re­tail & enter­tain­ment com­plex in Los Angeles which offers typical upper-end mall stores, bou­tique shops and res­tau­rants. the 53,400m² mega-mall, opened in 2002, mixes Art Deco-style archi­tec­ture with the flash of Las Vegas. the out­door market­place is built, owned, and operated by Caruso Affili­ated on parts of the histo­rical Farmers Market.

but on ‘World Intel­lectual Property Day’ I do not only want to tell you where to go shop­ping in California. I would like to intro­duce you to an intel­lectual also: teacher Lämpel. Lämpel is a fictional charac­ter in Wilhelm Busch’s chil­dren book ‘Max and Moritz’, pub­lished in 1865. the blackly humorous tale ‘A Story of Seven Boyish Pranks’ is a German illus­trated story in rhymed couplets which was trans­lated into 300 lan­gua­ges and dia­lects. Lämpel is the devout teacher of Max and Moritz.

according to the Department of Edu­cation and Science, ‘Life­long Learn­ing’ is the “ongoing, voluntary, and self-moti­vated” pursuit of acquiring formal and informal knowl­edge for personal or profes­sional reasons.
I dedi­cate this one to a great teacher from whom I’ve learned a lot: my sister.

sources: thegrovela.com | cogs.mml.cam.ac.uk | education.ie