exhibition 05.2016

exhibitionfor 2months, my art­work will be on exhi­bi­tion in a gold­smith in Heidel­berg’s heart, the Old Town. the ver­nis­sage is on Saturday, April 30th, 6pm.

+ this is where valuable mate­rials get mixed and come to a new being. we both combine different resour­ces and tech­niques to create what we find beauti­ful. ‘multi’: -coloral, -material, -technical. we are.

for more than 40 years, Rolf Janson has been wor­king with precious metal and jewels. as every single item of his jewelry is unique and an exqui­site piece of art, he has been on several exhi­bitions since. now he kindly hosts me with my art.

+ you’re very welcome to join us! – for the ver­nis­sage or some day later for a quick excur­sion into craft, crazy­ness & creativity.

sources: rolfjanson-goldschmiede.de