
playendipity[ 03.2015 | Venice Beach ]

Venice is a district west of Los Angeles which is known for its canals that are rebuilt after the Italian model, the easy-going life on the beach (+ its famous board­walk) as well as a lot of arty areas. When you keep your eyes open you’ll find a lot of fan­tas­tic murals – wher­ever you go. liter­ally. inspi­ration and crea­tivity seem to be every­where. seren­dipity.

a game controller is an input device to control an object or character in a video game. the remote is con­nected to a game console or computer – with or without (since the mid-2000s) wire. over the years, their design has become ever more user friend­ly and varies depend­ing on the game (joy sticks, steering wheels, dance pads etc.).

on September 5th is ‘Inter­national Day of Charity’ to raise aware­ness for charity related activi­ties all over the world. as charity “contributes to the promo­tion of dialogue, soli­darity and mutual under­standing ‎among people“, this day promotes chari­table efforts of philan­thropic indi­viduals, volun­teer groups or non-profit organi­zations for their parti­cular purposes. kind­ness is magic.

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