
goosebuster[ 03.2016 | Heidelberg ]

the swan goose is a rare large species goose that can measure up to 94cm in length. their natural breed­ing range is Mongolia, China, and Russia. but as this species has been domes­ticated, the ‘Anser cygnoide’ occurs in coun­tries and places outside its natural range. just like in Heidel­berg at the river Neckar, where the popu­lation of the domes­ticated birds has estab­lished itself. I captured a rather young one, as the still rather dark plumage shows. it might have been a female as her size, length of neck and bill seem to be com­paratively short. but, unfor­tunately, ‘propagoosa’ doesn’t work.

what does work is ‘proper gander’ resp. ‘propaganda’. latter is a form of biased com­mu­nication to spread information – be it facts or lies – to influence perceptions or agendas. the psycho­logical instrument was often used for political interaction, e.g. the American wartime propaganda ‘We Can Do It’ by J. Howard Miller in 1942 for Westing­house Electric to increase worker morale. it also became a symbol of female patrio­tism. an inspirational picture. a meaningful fist.

today, this fist stands for the World Environment Day. it stands for raising global awareness to take positive environmental action to protect nature and our planet.

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