
coastherd [ 08.2014 | Eastbourne ]

the Seven Sisters in East Sussex, South Eng­land, are a great place to spend a few relax­ing hours and go for a walk, enjoy­ing nature. the most promi­nent sight of the country park located in the South Downs National Park is the chalk cliff peaks and the dips between – all hav­ing indi­vidual names. the Seven Sisters Country Park with one of Britain’s most beau­tiful unspoilt coast­lines, com­prises 2.8km² of river valley, chalk grass­land, and of course the chalk cliffs them­selves. chalk, that formed under­neath the sea millions of years ago. the park is fairly free of modern develop­ment and even the famous cliffs, that have often been used for film­ing, are allowed to erode natu­rally. in case they should appear strangely famil­iar to you: you might have seen the rock face as default land­scape wall­paper in­stalled on your Micro­soft Win­dows 7.

stuck between a rock and a hard place and close to hit rock bot­tom is a char­acter in a cer­tain fairy tale created by Danish author Hans Chris­tian Ander­sen: a young mer­maid who is ready to give up her pre­vious life and iden­tity to become human. ‘den lille havfrue’ was first pub­lished in 1837 and has been adapt­ed to various media since – e.g. the ani­mated Disney film (1989).

to remember the International Day of the Girl Child on October 11th.

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