
chesslete [ 02.2015 | San Diego ]

San Diego had many spots that deep­ly impressed me during my visit last year. one of them was the Spanish Vil­lage Art Center in Bal­boa Park which is a 4.9km² urban cul­tural park listed in the U.S. National Register of His­toric Places. stroll­ing around in the Span­ish Vil­lage you’ll find 37 his­toric work­ing studios and gal­ler­ies with rotat­ing art exhibits. vis­itors can meet the inde­pend­ently juried local artists (all in all more than 200), see contem­porary fine arts and crafts being made, buy artwork from its maker and/or just enjoy the crea­tive atmos­phere. and the latter surely also because of the color­ful flag­stone patio.

not too colourful but a with its 64 squares nicely pat­terned is a chess board. the well-known 2-player strat­egy board game chess is played start­ing with 16 pieces for each player of which each type moves differ­ently. there is 1 king, 1 queen, 2 rooks, 2 knights, 2 bish­ops, and 8 pawns. the most power­ful piece is the queen, though victory or defeat depends on the king. the oppo­nent’s king. to ‘check­mate’ you place the king under a direct attack from which escape is impos­sible. #GameOfThrones

to promote the message of peace, develop­ment and human rights, United Nations Day is cele­brated since 1948. October 24th marks the anni­versary of the entry into force in 1945 of the UN Charter and reminds of aims and achieve­ments the organi­zation has had since. land­marks all over the world will be lit up in the typical UN-blue to strengthen the idea global unity.

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