
spaceboy[ 11.2013 | Death Valley ]

Dante’s View is a scenic view­point over­look­ing the south­ern basin in Death Valley National Park. the park is lo­cat­ed in the Mojave Desert in east­ern Cali­for­nia. on very clear days its peak of 1,669m offers a view of the highest and lowest points of the US: Mount Whitney (4.421m) and Badwater (-86m). this ter­race offers a dra­matic pano­ramic view, espe­cially over the salt crys­tal forma­tions of Devil’s Golf Course. Dante’s View, which is part of the Black Moun­tains, got its name from Dante Ali­ghieri, a major Italian poet of the late Middle Ages. in his ‘Divina Commedia’ (= ‘Divine Comedy’) the author des­crib­ed his vision of hell. in 1926, a group of tour­ists gave this view­point its name. it was used as filming loca­tion for ‘Star Wars Epi­sode IV: A New Hope’, shot in 1977.

‘star’ and ‘hope’ can also be related to a certain fic­tional super­hero born on Krypton. super­man is a charac­ter that first appeared in Action Comics in 1938. the figure helped to estab­lish the super­hero genre and was cru­cial for its advance within also comic books and other media. found and adopt­ed by a Kansas farmer and his wife, Clark Kent is raised after strong moral beliefs. when his super­human abili­ties show, the hero in blue tights and red cape begins to save the world. to live a bit of a normal life, the man of steel becomes a jour­nalist in Metro­polis. a second iden­tity. wear­ing a simple mask.

though superman isn’t really human he is known to be human­itarian – and thus the perfect charac­ter for today’s World Humani­tarian Day. since 2009, August 19th com­mem­orates humani­tarian person­nel and those who face danger in order to help others.

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