
slicence[ 01.2015 | Santa Monica ]

Santa Monica State Beach is located along Pacific Coast High­way in Cali­fornia. the beach is about 5.5km long and has sev­eral parks, picnic areas and play­grounds, a rather well-known pier and the ori­ginal Muscle Beach, a bike path and wooden path­ways for beach­goers.

I took this picture on my way from Venice back to Santa Mon­ica. the golden colors of the app­roach­ing night. the muted sounds of the dis­tant waves and voices. the last sun­lovers linger­ing. unbur­dened. harmo­nious­ly. natural­ly. numero­logy. the number 3. a mysti­cal and spiri­tual number. from folk­tales and novels we know there are three­somes in wishes and guesses, investi­gators and little pigs. it is the three phases of the moon, dimen­sions and the only figure equal to the sum of the pre­vious numbers. three is begin­ning, middle and end. three is past, present, future.

no matter if three or more: the ‘Inter­national Day of Friend­ship’ supports the idea that friend­ship – between indi­viduals, commu­nities, coun­tries, and cul­tures – can build bridg­es and thus maybe even promote peace efforts.
friendships. I’m grate­ful for mine – may we walk through one, 2, three and more sunsets together. you know who you are.

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