
rushaholic [ 08.2014 | Eastbourne ]

when you’re around East Sussex, South England, you should defi­nitely go and see the Seven Sis­ters. just as two sis­ters did in 2013. the series of chalk cliffs along the Eng­lish Chan­nel form part of the South Downs between Sea­ford and East­bourne. to get to the rocky sea­shore plat­form – mostly chalk from the cliffs and hard flint stones that have become ever rounder over the cen­turies – you walk through the chalk grass­land. this surface is known as being one of the richest habi­tats in Western Europe, sadly becom­ing increas­ingly rare. in Seven Sis­ters Country Park you can find crea­tures like Adonis blue and the bloody nosed beetle. when you take your time.

from the top of one of the cliffs we saw people who did exactly this: tak­ing their time. between mean­ders and salt marsh they were having brunch, escap­ing the rush of everyday life. watch­ing people enjoy­ing this one moment – forc­ing them­selves to take a deep breath – was impres­sive enough for me to name this picture some­what between ‘rush’ and ‘brunch’. and if this wasn’t expla­nation enough: isn’t this view just too pictur­esque…?!
