hi, water

hi, water [ 02.2015 | Hoover Dam ]

the massive dam on the Arizona-Nevada border had several reasons: it was built to tame the Colorado River and to also deliver water and hydroelectric power for the developing Southwest. it was surely challenging to build the largest dam in the world at the time during the Great Depression. the structure, known as ‘Boulder Dam’, was completed in 1935. it was later named after Herbert Hoover, the 31st President of the United States who was a professional mining engineer.

but ‘Hoover’ is not only the name of a National Historic Landmark that has become a popular tourist destination. when I visited the sight last year, I was shocked to see how low the watermark was. like somebody had pulled the plug. or something had sucked parts of the Colorado away. like a vacuum cleaner. a Hoover. Hoover is an American vacuum cleaner company, founded in 1908. the floor care manufacturer from Ohio established a major base in the UK. it conquered the electric vacuum cleaner industry and soon the brand name has become synonymous with vacuum cleaners.
clearly, we need phonetics here. Hoover is a homonym which is a word that is spelled and pronounced like another word though having a different meaning.

usbr.gov | hoover.co.uk | dictionary.com