“haven’t done nothing”

“haven’t done nothing” includes doodling on the glass window of my office at work – much valued by my colleagues. though the content is not really related to a higher education institution. at least people stop and now stare at the glass front – and only at second glance watch the fish inside the aquarium.

and that is how I began: with the three little fish. my colleague then argued that there must always be a predator, e.g. a shark. so I drew not a sharK but a sharP-teethed pacman-like figure that I believed to be threatening enough. to equal its aggressive attitude, I made him stand on a zen-inspired lotus flower. but as everything comes from something, I was sure that all this was only part of a bigger machinery – more or less hidden – in the background. this machinery, as always in real life, has the power to influence the insatiable bad guy of this game – that appears to be quite harmless as long as its mouth remains shut.

another story of the making. quite in the middle of the window is the combination of a pocket watch and compass. it is thus central because the main themes of (perfect) time and (ultimate) destination actually always should be. the missing piece had the perfect shape of a slice of pizza – and who has’t made painful experiences with delivery services and bad timing and/or a mistaken front door? because I don’t like fish on pizza, and likewise the mermaid indignantly turns her back on the scene and the painter/viewer. her hair reflects her heritage: the waves and depths of all the oceans on the earths surface once sailed by ruthless captains and their mostly loyal crews. one of the goods traded already in the 17th century was tea. and tea is said to have been one of the favorite beverages on the island where the most magical of all fictional or real nannies originates from.

and if you ever wondered about the ultimate answer to life, the universe and everything, it can be found either in the supercomputer ‘deep thought’ of Douglas Adams’ science fiction comedy ‘the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy’ or hidden in this art work.
for myself, I’ll now detach from my computer for a bit and plug in to the happenings of real life again.