
decisiophobia [ 11.2013 | Death Valley ]

in 2013, I went on a spectacular road trip through California and Nevada. Death Valley National Park has been one of the most impressive spaces I have discovered. the large national park is in Eastern California, close to the Mojave Desert. it is the lowest, driest, and hottest area in North America. the environment contains sand dunes, stunning salt-flats, colorful badlands, and snow-covered mountains. right after entering the national park you come to a T-crossroad where you have to make this ‘tough’ decision shown in the picture (I came from the right, the street where I came from was a dead end).
a griffin is a legendary creature of Greek mythology which has head and wings of an eagle and the body and tail of a lion. they combine the qualities of the majestic raptor that is able to fly and has extremely good sight with the strength and courage of the king of the beasts.
in the coat of arms of Baden-Württemberg, the federal state I was born in, the griffin represents Baden. [ – happy b-day to my two Baden-Babes. may you always find the right way. ]

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